Training FAQ
The Art Of K9 utilizes something called "balanced training methods" for the most realistic training results. This means that we teach dogs the concept of both yes & no. We believe in providing clarity in our communication with our dogs.Having the proper training tools help to bridge the communication gap in where other trendy styles and methodology have failed people on numerous occasions.We use a combination of food and praise to reinforce what it is that we want the dog to do as well as consequences for dangerous behavior or commands that are known but not followed due to selective hearing.
Modern day Ecollars are the single most effective tool for empowering owners to be able to have consistent results at home with their dog. Most other training tools or techniques leave a lot of room for inconsistency in use. This creates a dog that may listen better or worse to different people. Ecollars even everything out and give softer owners the ability to handle more difficult dogs with ease.
Even though we aim for an overall 50-85% improvement in your dogs progress.Due to the many factors involved in a dogs success at home, including owner commitment, consistency, and follow through, it is too difficult to offer a 100% guarantee.We are still dealing with living breathing animals that have a mind of their own. Genetics can also be a huge factor as to why your dog is acting the way they are as well, and play a role in the results that are achievable. Our guarantee is that you have 100% support and commitment from us as long as you are being consistent and putting in the work as well. We have had hundreds of successful dogs go through our program with high level results.
Your dog will get approximately 1.5-2 hours of formal obedience training throughout the day (practicing commands). At The Art Of K9, training is ultimately much more than formal obedience. Dog training should be viewed as a mindset and lifestyle shift for both owner & dog. We are looking to achieve a more obedient/calm mindset that is geared towards co-existing in real world scenarios appropriately. This is why even though your dog might not be practicing formal obedience all day long (which can actually be counterproductive), taking walks, holding commands for long durations of time & taking field trips will happen throughout the day as well. So essentially every time your dog is out of their crate it is “training time”!. If we can not monitor your dog and give them full attention they will be crated. This is to keep a structured routine & ensure proper safety measures. We are NOT a crazy free for all facility with lots of boarding dogs. We take small groups at a time 4/6 trainees per month and ensure proper care & monitoring at all times.
This question can be quite complex as each dog comes to us for different reasons. Ultimately we are dealing with a condensed period of time to train your dog. To think that we can reverse years of bad behaviors, or make new behaviors highly reliable in real world scenarios without training tools in a condensed period of time is unrealistic. If your dog has ever bitten another person or dog, if your dog charges the door or is reactive. We are most likely looking at using our e collar for long term management to upkeep training. If you have a happy go lucky dog, most clients( if up-keeping training )can achieve high levels of reliability within familiar environments (such as your home) without e-collar usage. Either way, we recommend that your dog wears their e-collar full time for at least one full year like we have planned for you in your go home instructional.
Yes and no. E-collar’s give people off leash freedom with their dogs, but this off leash freedom is not accessible until you feel comfortable with your remote. When your dog first goes home, you will already be feeling overwhelmed with all your new training & lifestyle changes to make. To add off leash training onto the picture would be setting my clients up for failure. Use your long line and leash until you feel 100% confident in your abilities to control your dog before taking any off leash ventures. Aggressive dogs and reactive dogs are NOT good candidates for off leash ventures.
Yes absolutely, at the end of your program we will work with you to ensure that you get all of the hands-on training needed to upkeep and understand the training. Even private lessons will not ensure your dog will listen. Dozens of my clients come to me each year with failed private lesson packages from other companies. Developing the proper handler skills, holding your dog accountable and setting the proper lifestyle for YOUR dog will be the only factors that ensure your dog will listen to you.
We are known for taking very hardy cases of dogs into boarding and training programs with an overall high success rate. We also take puppies and basic obedience dogs just needing the fundamentals as well! No matter what issue or issues you are experiencing we are here to help, so ultimately a boarding and training program is suitable for every dog.We tailor each program to the individual dog to ensure that each dog is fulfilled and set up to make long term progress.
Yes! Our Boarding and training programs help instill the ultimate foundation to help ensure better communication and reliability! Better communication = boosted confidence!
Absolutely not! Our short boarding programs are nowhere near a length for your dog to “forget” about you.
Ultimately yes, you are having a professional instill a foundation into your dog. Private lessons can be suitable for basic obedience cases, but sometimes a board & train is needed to help get your dog up to a certain level to continue making progress with them. Especially when we get into heavy e-collar training or have serious behavioral issues, sometimes a reset out of your dog's immediate environment is needed for best results.
Generally no, this is part of the boarding and training effect. Taking your dog out of their immediate surroundings and pressing the reset button. Sometimes with aggression cases we request 1-2 lessons during the boarding and training process, but generally not.
When is the total balance due? To make a boarding and training reservation we require a non refundable $1,000 deposit to hold your space & a signed contract agreement. This $1,000 deposit gets deducted off of your board & train balance. Generally unless discussed prior the balance for your boarding program is due on the first day of your dog’s program.
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